The Hourglass Lounge, this first global luxury concierge service dedicated to the cigar aficionado.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ettinger Davidoff and Quintessentially Lifestyle unveil the Hourglass Lounge, the world’s first members-only luxury concierge service dedicated to filling the cigar aficionado’s time beautifully.

Oettinger Davidoff, creator of some of the finest premium cigars, has joined forces with one of the world’s leading luxury lifestyle concierge services, Quintessentially Lifestyle, to launch the Hourglass Lounge: this first global luxury concierge service dedicated to the cigar aficionado.

Oettinger Davidoff Hourglass Lounge Membership Card

“The Hourglass Lounge will delight and surprise aficionados worldwide by delivering unique and unrivalled experiences – following our philosophy of ‘Time Beautifully Filled’. If time is one of life’s greatest luxuries, nowhere is it more richly filled than in the Hourglass Lounge,” says Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, CEO of Oettinger Davidoff AG.

The Hourglass Lounge enables its members to enjoy unparalleled levels of service: from responding to their everyday needs to fulfilling their extraordinary requests and wishes. This service is designed to fill the cigar aficionado’s time beautifully, exquisitely, and exclusively with unforgettable experiences.

“We are thrilled to be working with Quintessentially Lifestyle, one of the world’s most renowned luxury concierge services. The Hourglass Lounge helps aficionados around the world to have more time in life to enjoy exceptional cigars and live incredible experiences thanks to its expert around-the-clock concierge support. It is the ultimate cigar aficionado luxury for those who believe that time is the ultimate luxury,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing and Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.

Hourglass Lounge members now have a place where VIP treatment, unlimited access to unparalleled privilege and indulgence come as standard. A place where unique and inaccessible experiences will be expertly tailored for aficionados: from a round of golf with a golf legend enjoying exceptional cigars to an unforgettable trip over the Great wall of China or an exclusive dining experience with their favorite celebrity chef – the possibilities are as wide as imagination can be.

A time pressured daily life also becomes easier as simple requests are handled by the Hourglass Lounge concierge, solving pressing practical problems such as booking a table at the best restaurant in town, reserving tickets for the hottest show or securing access to an exclusive party.

Oettinger Davidoff Cigar ExclusivesThat level of customer service is also evident in the innovative [highlight color=”yellow”]”Bespoke Lounge & Cigar Cellar Design by Davidoff/Atelier Oï”[/highlight], where members can have their personal cigar cellar and lounge designed by a renowned Swiss design team and carefully crafted for them to enjoy cigars in the comfort of their own home. Or, as the world’s first concierge service utterly dedicated to the cigar aficionado, the Hourglass Lounge can ensure its members their chosen cigars will be ready for them, wherever and whenever they want them, VIP access to enjoy some of the world’s finest cigar lounges and events or new Davidoff blends; and unique, limited editions to be experienced before anyone else in the world.

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