DAMEN SeaXplorer, a 90-metre to explore the Pole.

DAMEN SeaXplorer brings true capability to expedition yachting. For those who dream of discovering the world beyond limits, DAMEN has launched the world’s first purpose-built, Polar Code compliant range of expedition yachts with true global capability – from extreme polar to remote tropical areas. The 65 to 100-metre SeaXplorer range debuted last Spetember at the Monaco Yacht Show, promising life-changing encounters with exotic cultures, majestic wildlife and spectacular wildernesses.

Known in the superyacht world for its renowned Dutch luxury builder AMELS and its successful Yacht Support range of vessels, DAMEN is a large, financially strong and stable shipbuilder. Its yards generate an annual €2 billion turnover in markets including Harbour, Defence & Security, Offshore and its Yachting portfolio.

Starting from the drawing board, DAMEN has designed every detail of the SeaXplorer range of expedition yachts for life-changing experiences at the extremes of our planet. In the Netherlands, a dedicated DAMEN SeaXplorer team under the responsibility of Product Director Mark Vermeulen has developed the three designs, while AMELS is responsible for sales and marketing.

“A number of experienced yachting clients approached us about adapting DAMEN’s professional vessels, so we knew from them that[highlight color=”yellow”] there were simply no globally capable luxury explorer yachts out there[/highlight],” says Rob Luijendijk, AMELS Managing Director. “And that’s also what we heard from EYOS Expeditions who have decades of experience in bespoke luxury expeditions to the wildest places on the planet. So that’s why DAMEN began developing the SeaXplorer.”


DAMEN has invested thousands of hours in research and development, ice tank testing, and real expedition pedigree through detailed design input from partner EYOS Expeditions. The instantly recognisable exterior lines were penned by AZURE Yacht Design and Naval Architecture. Plus, the SeaXplorer makes no compromise on the superyacht lifestyle with the Owner’s choice of luxury interior designer.

Global comfort and icebreaking capability

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The SeaXplorer is safe and comfortable in any sea thanks to DAMEN’s patented SEA AXE hull design. Plus, while other yachts have to wait at a distance, the SeaXplorer’s Polar Class double-acting hull breaks through the ice. The three models in the range can reach the most remote destinations and enjoy up to 40 days of full luxury service for all guests without port call.


The SeaXplorer carries tenders (including a dive support tender), expedition equipment, toys, submersibles, dive equipment (including recompression chamber) and up to two helicopters. Designed for smooth expedition logistics, the yachts can deploy tenders and toys quickly and safely so guests never miss a chance encounter or spontaneous adventure.


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