Garnacha, 2015 Grape of the Year

garnacha-logoGarnacha Wines in the Style of Spain’s Carinena Region are “The Next Great Grape”.

According to a survey of 350 industry experts including retailers, beverage directors and sommeliers by Wine Opinions to identify the next great wine discovery for 2015, Spain is most likely to unveil a “yet to be discovered” wine region.

Spanish red wine featuring the Garnacha grape has the highest growth potential. The survey was commissioned by the Carinena region of Spain, which has more old vines of Garnacha planted than any other area, and is ripe to be picked as U.S. consumers’ next great grape discovery.

Spain reigns as most likely to unveil “yet to be discovered” wine region.

Day 2- Pouring Garnacha at Bodega PanizaA remarkable 87% of wine industry professionals surveyed think Spain has the best opportunity to unveil a “yet to be discovered” wine region, based on U.S. penetration by country.* Italy and Argentina ranked second and third, respectively.

Spanish Garnacha: the grape to watch.

92% of respondents predict that the red Garnacha grape variety from Spain has the greatest growth potential.** Garnacha even edged out the Tempranillo grape, Spain’s most noble red variety (89%). Consumers can anticipate finding more Garnacha for purchase soon; over three quarters (76%) of those surveyed plan to add Garnacha to their offerings, highlighting the “rich, concentrated flavor profiles” and “fruit-forward styles” that are “fresh, lively, balanced” as the most appealing selling points of Spanish Garnacha. Others that ranked high for Garnacha included sourcing from vineyards with old vines and a history of success with the grape.

Ripe for discovery: Garnacha red wine from the Carinena region of Spain.

Day 2- Pouring Garnacha at Bodega PanizaThe extremely positive outlook for the Spanish Garnacha variety bodes well for rising stars like the Carinena region, which has more old vines of Garnacha planted than any other region in Spain. The region offers some of the best quality over price of flavorful, fruit-forward wines made of Garnacha grapes from established vines planted in distinctive stone soils.

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