[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Noble M600 is an incredibly rare low volume bespoke supercar hand built in England. Our ethos is that a supercar should be exciting, rewarding and challenging. Put simply the Noble M600 is for those who love to drive… Designed and engineered with a purity that rewards driver skill, the M600 is neither dictated to nor hindered by unnecessary computer assistance, putting the driver back in the driving seat.


The Noble M600 has developed from a small team passionate about driving. This evolved from our research of the available ‘supercars’ most of which lean heavily on computer assistance. We at Noble Automotive think it is time to break the mould, feeling that this now ubiquitous ‘digital’ driver assistance disengages and negates the driver experience and reward. We have experienced, when turning off these devices, that computer generated support can often cosmetically mask and flatter inferior chassis and handling characteristics. We decided that with the introduction of the M600 it was time to ‘get back to basics’,  to concentrate on the more ‘analogue’ qualities of design by utilising a principle of pure engineering integrity from the chassis up, putting the driver, back in control.

The Noble M600 is a car produced not in competition to the current supercar establishment, but one, we believe, that offers those serious about their driving, an alternative philosophy and a more rewarding driving experience.

Although our first love lies with the tactile manual gearbox we do understand that for many drivers a paddle shift is a preferred option. We have no wish to exclude those more comfortable with a clutch less system and have recently developed an exciting paddle shift option. Also to reflect customer demand we are currently developing a targa top drophead the Noble M600 Speedster, this is making London debut in its prototype form at the London Yacht, Jet and Prestige Car Show.

One of the most frequent questions we are asked is “what of the current supercars is your competition?” Our honest reply is ‘none whatsoever’. Hand built in England; carbon bodied, rare and exclusive, the M600 does not compete or align itself with any other currently available supercar. Super light and with incredible power, the M600 boasts an impressive power to weight ratio of 542bhp per ton, but that’s only half the story, the rest is the stuff of legend…

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