[dropcap]A[/dropcap] boat show season full of emotions for Feadhip. After having impressed their guests, visitors and press members, at the recent Monaco Yacht Show, where the Dutch Shipyard hosted the first ever in-stand movie theatre, a completely insulated and soundproofed space equipped with the world’s largest curved LED television, to show their new Feadship movie, the shipyard showcased for the first time at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, Rock.it, the awesome 60.35-metre built last year but never available for visits on board until now.
The Feadship Movie
Visitors to the stand seemed very impressed. “Awesome,” was how many people described it as they emerged into the bright sunshine of Monaco. Other opinions included: “It was a real sensory experience and this movie captures Feadship’s craftsmanship and attention to detail in a beautiful way.” “The visuals are incredible and the special effects, including the scent of metalwork, really bring uniquity to life.” “We love the way everything came together at the end, and the overall impression was both relaxing and overwhelming at the same time.”
We were among those visitors and can confirm it was a really amazing Feadship experience. As much as amazing was the Feadhip Tender Tour in the Monaco Bay, a sort of Feadship sighting experience at anchor off Monte Carlo.
The Feadship Experience continued with a visit on board the 46-metre Kiss. A very pleasant megayacht to visit, with refined and welcoming interiors. With a nice reproduction of Kiss in Lego-3d model, located on the upper deck, and a real child-friendly cabin, Kiss is well conceived and designed to be a real family-oriented megayacht.
With a metallic black livery, the interior of Kiss came from the boards of Redman Whiteley Dixon, under the guidance of Toby Ecuyer, and it is not surprising the Owner in his romantic speech, on the launch day, described Kiss as “a new member of the family”.
On board a Wajer and Wajer tender, we visited the bay of Monte Carlo, and at anchor we could see the follwing megayachts, part of the shipyard’s history.
M/Y Lady Marina

M/Y Lady Britt

M/Y Falcon Lair

M/Y Lady India

But for this 2015 boat show season, the Feadship brand experience has not finished, but continued at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, where Rock.it made her debut with visits on board reserved only for a select group of invited guests.
ROCK.IT combines space-age looks with traditional comforts. Created for an experienced owner who chartered Feadships and appreciated the essence of the Feadship brand, the outstanding 60.35-metre motoryacht ROCK.IT has raised the bar of what can be achieved in an entirely bespoke project.

Fast from the outside, cosy on the inside, ROCK.IT features the first-time application on a superyacht of an intuitive control and manoeuvring system developed for naval applications.

The yacht contains cutting edge technology, as in the installation of a unique control system that includes a semi-DP autopilot system. This will allow ROCK.IT to keep her heading at anchor, hovering on the main engine and the thrusters. Optimal use of the various manoeuvring modes is made by means of a three-axis steering joystick with a rotational factor.
Naval Architecture: Feadship De Voogt Naval Architects
Interior Design: Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design
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